Massachusetts Butterfly Club

2014 Fall Meeting

Can You ID This Butterfly?

1. Mouse over the photo to see the species name.  
2. Click the photo to see the
species web page.  
3. Click here to see a new photo.

The Fall 2014 Mass Butterfly Club Fall Potluck Supper Meeting was held on Saturday, October 18th at the Massachusetts Audubon Society Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center in Worcester.

The potluck supper was, once again, fantastic! There was an excellent selection of appetizers, entrees and desserts brought by our members. Thanks to Bill Benner, Joe Wicinski and others for getting it ready for dishing out.

We began with a business meeting and asked the members to vote on three items that were a result of the NABA by-laws changes and all were approved unanimously.
1 - the name of the club is now
           "NABA - Massachusetts Butterfly Club".
2 - the term for officers of the club shall be 2 years beginning 2014 with terms beginning on November 1st and ending on October 31st of that year.
3 - the Chapter will have two (2) Vice Presidents (East and West).

Our featured speaker was Rick Cech who gave a presentation on the The History of Natural History: A Participant’s Perspective.

That was follow by a general discussion on the attendees thoughts on butterfly sighting numbers for this year compared to past years.

Below are some photographs taken at the meeting. Most of the photographs (the good ones) were taken by Barbara Volkle.

Mouse over photo to see captions. Click on photo to see larger image.