Massachusetts Butterfly Club

2016 Spring Meeting

Can You ID This Butterfly?

1. Mouse over the photo to see the species name.  
2. Click the photo to see the
species web page.  
3. Click here to see a new photo.

The 2016 Spring meeting of the MBC was held Saturday, April 2nd at the Broad Meadow Brook Conservation Center and Wildlife Sanctuary in Worcester.

We began with our always popular pot-luck supper. The salads, appetizers, entrees and desserts were delicious and surprisingly fat-free!    Special thanks to Joe Wicinski for his efforts in coordinating the preparation and presentation of the food.

We had a brief business meeting before the speakers and slide shows began. The club is celebrating it's 25th anniversary this year. Tom Gagnon is looking into having pins made for the club's anniversary that will be available to purchase. The price is not known yet but should be from $5 to $6. If you have any ideas about what we can do to make it a special year, please contact the Club President. We are also looking for volunteers to help at the Barbara Walker festival on August 13th. Please contact the Club President if you would like to help.

Dr. Elizabeth Crone, of the Tufts University Biology Department, had a PowerPoint presentation and discussed her work on Baltimore Checkerspots in Harvard, MA. Dr. Crone studies plant and animal interactions at the intersection of theoretical ecology and natural history, and her work includes exploring the effects of climate and land use change on butterfly populations. One of her graduate students Norah Warchola also provided updates on her work with Frosted Elfins at Weir Hill (North Andover) and at Appleton Farms (Ipswich).

The presentations were followed by our ever-popular Butterfly Photos Festival. Dave Small helped facilitate the presentation by actually plugging the computer into the projector. Thanks Dave. We ran a tad over our scheduled time (8:00 - 9:00 pm) but most people were still awake when we wrapped up. A good time was had by all.

Many thanks to all who volunteered and attended.

Below are some photographs taken at the meeting. Almost all of the photos were taken by Barbara Volkle. The poor quality photos were taken by the webmaster.

Mouse over photo to see captions. Click on photo to see larger image.