Massachusetts Butterfly Club

2020 Fall Meeting

Can You ID This Butterfly?

1. Mouse over the photo to see the species name.  
2. Click the photo to see the
species web page.  
3. Click here to see a new photo.

The 2020 Fall meeting of the Massachusetts Butterfly Club was held on Saturday, November 14th from 6:30PM until after 10PM.
51 members attended but, fortunately, nobody had to drive home in the dark because it was a remote (Zoom) meeting. Thanks to Dave Small and Rosemary Mosco for making the meeting run so smoothly.

We began with a business meeting with a report on the officers election, the secretary's report by Barbara Volkle, the treasurer's report by Elise Barry, and a report on the Hessel's Hairstreak project by Danielle Desmarais.

  Officers for 2021-2022:
      President - Martha Gach
      Vice President (East) - Rosemary Mosco
      Vice President (West) - Carol Duke
      Treasurer - Elise Barry
      Secretary - Barbara Volkle

We thank our outgoing President (Steve Moore) and Vice President West (Bill Callahan) for all their efforts on the club's behalf! We also extend extra thanks to our outgoing Vice President East (Martha Gach) because she has taken over as our new President.
Fortunately, our outgoing president is not contesting the election!

For officers' contact information, please see our contact-us page.

Our guest speaker for the evening was Dr. Susan Finkbeiner. She is an Entomologist & Evolutionary Biologist Ph.D. at Cal State Long Beach, researching butterfly coloration, ecology, and evolution. Her talk was "Deconstructing Visual Signals in Social Butterflies". If you would like to see a short video of her experiment on wing-pattern mimicry in butterflies, click on this link.

Our member's photograph slide show followed. Howard Hoople, Sue Orlowski, Frank Model and Garry Kessler submitted excellent pictures for our enjoyment.

The slide show was followed by a "social hour" on Zoom which went surprisingly well considering the number of people who attended.

Mouse over photo to see captions. Click on photo to see larger image.
The only thing missing ......