Dusted Skipper

Atrytonopsis hianna

Genus Atrytonopsis
Subfamily Grass Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Dusted SkipperDusted SkipperDusted Skipper

Dusted SkipperDusted Skipper

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Occurrence  Statewide - resident
Abundance Fairly common
Flight Period Mid-May to late June
Notes Very strikingly marked when fresh
Overwintering Larva
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

Dusted Skipper

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 6/2/2002

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Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

Dusted Skipper

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 5/25/2002

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Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

Dusted Skipper

Photo by Bill Bouton - 5/6/2006

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Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

Dusted Skipper

Photo by Frank Model - 6/4/2006
Saratoga, NY

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Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna

Dusted Skipper

Photo by Frank Model - 6/8/2005
Norwottuck Rail Trail, Amherst

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