Juniper Hairstreak

Callophrys gryneus

Genus Callophrys
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Juniper HairstreakJuniper HairstreakJuniper Hairstreak

Juniper HairstreakJuniper HairstreakJuniper Hairstreak

Juniper HairstreakJuniper HairstreakJuniper Hairstreak

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Occurrence Primarily eastern MA
Abundance Locally fairly common; closely associated with Eastern Red Cedar
Flight Period Mainly May and late July to early August
Notes Best found by jostling red cedars and watching for the butterflies to fly
Overwintering Pupa
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 8/3/2002

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Bruce deGraaf - 5/11/2014
World's End, Hingham, MA

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Garry Kessler - 7/30/2014
World's End, Hingham, MA

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Frank Model - 7/25/2006
Blue Hills, Milton

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 6/6/2006
Blue Hills, Milton

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Michael Newton - 5/10/2015
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Bruce de Graaf - 7/26/2014
World's End, Hingham, MA

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Howard Hoople - 4/28/2013
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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Juniper Hairstreak - Callophrys gryneus

Juniper Hairstreak

Photo by Greg Dysart - 7/22/2014
World's End, Hingham, MA

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