Frosted Elfin

Callophrys irus

Genus Callophrys
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Frosted ElfinFrosted ElfinFrosted Elfin

Frosted ElfinFrosted ElfinFrosted Elfin

Frosted ElfinFrosted ElfinFrosted Elfin

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Connecticut River Valley eastward - resident
Abundance Fairly common
Flight Period Early April to late June
Notes Closely associated with Wild Indigo and/or Wild Lupine stands
Overwintering Pupa
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website
Frosted Elfin is listed as a species of 'Special Concern' in Massachusetts. If you find specimens of this species, please take a photograph, note your location carefully, and use Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Vernal Pool & Rare Species reporting system to report your sighting.
More information on Frosted Elfin from Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife.

Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo © Marj Rines - 4/21/2002
Middlesex County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo © Marj Rines - 6/5/1999
Middlesex County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 5/11/2003
Norfolk County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Tom Murray - 5/13/2004
Norfolk County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Bill Bouton - 5/30/2006
Norfolk County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Howard Hoople - 6/5/2007
Essex County, MA
Ovipositing Female

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Tom Whelan - 5/24/2006
Middlesex County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Frank Model - 5/20/2006
Norfolk County, MA

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Frosted Elfin - Callophrys irus

Frosted Elfin

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 5/20/2006
Plymouth County, MA

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