Eastern Pine Elfin

Callophrys niphon

Genus Callophrys
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Eastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine Elfin

Eastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine Elfin

Eastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine ElfinEastern Pine Elfin

Eastern Pine Elfin

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide - resident
Abundance Fairly common to common
Flight Period Mainly mid-April to early June
Notes The most frequently reported elfin in Massachusetts
Overwintering Pupa
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Bruce de Graaf - 4/20/2012
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Tom Murray - 4/29/2004
Oxbow NWR, Harvard

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 2005

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Garry Kessler - 5/10/2014
Memorial Forest, Sudbury, MA

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Bruce de Graaf - 5/5/2013
Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth, MA

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Bill Bouton - 5/31/2006
Tom's Swamp, Petersham

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Greg Dysart - 5/18/2014
Winchendon MA

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Mark Rainey - 5/4/2014
Myles Standish State Forest, Plymouth, MA

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Barbara Spencer - June-05

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Eastern Pine Elfin - Callophrys niphon

Eastern Pine Elfin

Photo by Marjorie Watson - 5/9/2015
Weir Hill, North Andover, MA

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