Red-banded Hairstreak

Calycopis cecrops

Genus Calycopis
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Red-banded HairstreakRed-banded HairstreakRed-banded Hairstreak

Red-banded HairstreakRed-banded HairstreakRed-banded Hairstreak

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide - migrant
Abundance Very rare
Flight Period Mid-August through late September
Overwintering Migrant
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Greg Dysart - 8/19/2014
Mattapoisett, MA

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Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Bo Zaremba - 8/20/2011
Fannie Stebbins Wildlife Refuge
Longmeadow, MA

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Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Garry Kessler - 8/19/14
Mattapoisett, MA

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Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 9/7/2015
Allen's Pond, South Dartmouth, MA

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Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Michael Newton - 9/19/2015
South Dartmouth, MA

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Red-banded Hairstreak - Calycopis cecrops

Red-banded Hairstreak

Photo by Don Gagnon - 9/6/2014
Gagnon Wildlife Habitat, Somerset, MA

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