Dion Skipper

Euphyes dion

Genus Euphyes
Subfamily Grass Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Dion SkipperDion SkipperDion Skipper

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Occurrence Berkshire and Hampshire Counties - resident
Abundance Rare and very local
Flight Period Early to mid-July
Notes Known in MA only from five calcareous wetland sites
Overwintering Larva
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website
Dion Skipper is listed as a 'Threatened' species in Massachusetts. If you find specimens of this species, please take a photograph, note your location carefully, and use Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife Vernal Pool & Rare Species reporting system to report your sighting.
More information on Dion Skipper from Massachusetts Division of Fisheries & Wildlife.

Dion Skipper - Euphyes dion

Dion Skipper

Photo by Tom Murray - 7/9/2004
North Berkshire County, MA

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Dion Skipper - Euphyes dion

Dion Skipper

Photo by Tom Murray - 7/9/2004
North Berkshire County, MA

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Dion Skipper - Euphyes dion

Dion Skipper

Photo by Tom Murray - 7/9/2004
North Berkshire County, MA

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