Bog Copper

Lycaena epixanthe

Genus Lycaena
Subfamily Coppers
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Bog CopperBog CopperBog Copper

Bog CopperBog CopperBog Copper

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Occurrence Statewide except Berkshire and Suffolk counties - resident
Abundance Locally common to abundant
Flight Period Late June to early August
Notes Can be abundant in unsprayed cranberry bogs.
Overwintering Egg
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 7/6/2002

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Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Tom Murray - 6/27/2004
Tully Lake, Athol

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Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Frank Model - 7/21/2007
Tully Dam, Royalston

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Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Frank Model - 6/29/2007
Tully Dam, Royalston

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Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Frank Model - 6/26/2007
Tully Dam, Royalston

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Bog Copper - Lycaena epixanthe

Bog Copper

Photo by Frank Model - 6/29/2007
Tully Dam, Royalston

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