Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Nymphalis milberti

Genus Nymphalis
Subfamily True Brushfoots
Family Brushfooted Butterflies
All Massachusetts Species

Milbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's Tortoiseshell

Milbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's Tortoiseshell

Milbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's TortoiseshellMilbert's Tortoiseshell

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Mainly western and central MA - resident
Abundance Variably rare to uncommon
Flight Period Early March to late October
Notes Big flights (such as 1999) reach eastern MA but are rather rare events
Overwintering Adult
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 7/8/2002
Pittsburg, NH

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 5/4/2003

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Tom Murray - 6/23/2003

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo © Marj Rines - 7/19/2003
Dunback Meadow, Lexington

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Tom Murray - 6/6/2004
Quabbin Reservoir
On Stinging Nettle

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/24/2007

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Frank Model - 10/4/2007
Northampton Community Gardens

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Frank Model - 2004
Northampton Community Gardens

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Milbert's Tortoiseshell - Nymphalis milberti

Milbert's Tortoiseshell

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/21/2005
Note pollinium attached to right foreleg.

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