Black Swallowtail

Papilio polyxenes

Genus Papilio
Subfamily Swallowtails
Family Swallowtails
All Massachusetts Species

Black SwallowtailBlack SwallowtailBlack Swallowtail

Black SwallowtailBlack SwallowtailBlack Swallowtail

Black SwallowtailBlack SwallowtailBlack Swallowtail

Black SwallowtailBlack SwallowtailBlack Swallowtail

Black SwallowtailBlack SwallowtailBlack Swallowtail

Black Swallowtail

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide - resident
Abundance Uncommon to quite common
Flight Period Mainly early May to late September)
Notes Seems to have noticeable plus and minus years
Overwintering Pupa
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 6/4/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 9/6/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 9/21/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo © Marj Rines - 7/5/2002
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo © Marj Rines - 7/10/2002

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Eleanor Solberg

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Eleanor Solberg - 8/19/2001

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Eleanor Solberg - 8/19/2001

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Dave Small

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo © Lesley Mattuchio - 8/1/2003
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Frank Model - 6/13/2004
Oddly Marked

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Frank Model - 7/16/2007
Great Blue Hill, Milton

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Frank Model - 7/21/2005
North Common Meadow, Petersham

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Lori Draper - 2006
Johnson, VT

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 9/4/2007
Late Instar Caterpillar

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Black Swallowtail - Papilio polyxenes

Black Swallowtail

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 9/4/2007
Early Instar Caterpillar

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