White M Hairstreak

Parrhasius m-album

Genus Parrhasius
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

White M HairstreakWhite M HairstreakWhite M Hairstreak

White M HairstreakWhite M HairstreakWhite M Hairstreak

White M Hairstreak

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide
Abundance Rare
Flight Period Early May to mid-October
Notes Can show up in almost any open situation; the blue wings are a giveaway
Overwintering Unknown
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 9/6/2003
South Dartmouth, MA

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Joe Dwelly - 8/4/2013
Crane WMA, Falmouth, MA

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Steven Whitebread - 7/15/2012
Blue Hills Observatory, Canton, MA

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Frank Model - 9/4/2006
Northampton Community Gardens

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Garry Kessler - 8/23/2014
Wompanoag Lake Audubon Sanctuary, Gardner, MA

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Michael Newton - 8/8/2015
Nasketucket Bay, Mattapoisett, MA

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White M Hairstreak - Parrhasius m-album

White M Hairstreak

Photo by Bruce deGraaf - 7/6/2012
Canton, MA

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