Common Sootywing

Pholisora catullus

Genus Pholisora
Subfamily Spread-wing Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Common SootywingCommon SootywingCommon Sootywing

Common SootywingCommon SootywingCommon Sootywing

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide except Nantucket - resident
Abundance Uncommon to fairly common
Flight Period Early May to late September
Notes Often easier to find in gardens than elsewhere
Overwintering Larva
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 7/21/2002

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Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 5/31/2003

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Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Tom Murray - 8/23/2005
Bolton Flats, Bolton

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Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Frank Model - 8/21/2006
Northampton Community Gardens

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Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Frank Model - 8/16/2006
Northampton Community Gardens

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Common Sootywing - Pholisora catullus

Common Sootywing

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 10/9/2007
Northampton Community Gardens

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