Mulberry Wing

Poanes massasoit

Genus Poanes
Subfamily Grass Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Mulberry WingMulberry WingMulberry Wing

Mulberry WingMulberry Wing

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide except Cape and Islands - resident
Abundance Uncommon
Flight Period Early July to mid-August
Notes Virtually never seen away from wetlands
Overwintering ?
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

Mulberry Wing

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/25/2007

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Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

Mulberry Wing

Photo by Frank Model - 7/30/2007
New Salem

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Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

Mulberry Wing

Photo by Frank Model - 7/30/2007
New Salem

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Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

Mulberry Wing

Photo by Frank Model - 7/13/2007
New Salem

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Mulberry Wing - Poanes massasoit

Mulberry Wing

Photo by Frank Model - 7/13/2007
New Salem

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