Long Dash

Polites mystic

Genus Polites
Subfamily Grass Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Long DashLong DashLong Dash

Long DashLong DashLong Dash

Long DashLong DashLong Dash

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Occurrence Statewide - resident
Abundance Common
Flight Period Late May to mid-June
Notes Small second brood sometimes noticed in late August-early Sept.
Overwintering Larva
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 6/2/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 6/2/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary
On Chive

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Tom Murray - 6/19/2002

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Tom Murray - 6/15/2004
Ballard Hill, Lancaster

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo © Ron Nuehring - 6/2/2006
Fountain Farm, Springfield

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Frank Model - 6/4/2006
Saratoga, NY

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Frank Model - 6/18/2007
Pontook Dam, Dummer, NH

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Frank Model - 6/4/2006
Saratoga, NY

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Long Dash - Polites mystic

Long Dash

Photo by Frank Model - 6/11/2006
Ward Pound Ridge Reservation, Cross River, NY
Courting Pair

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