Green Comma

Polygonia faunus

Genus Polygonia
Subfamily True Brushfoots
Family Brushfooted Butterflies
All Massachusetts Species

Green CommaGreen CommaGreen Comma

Green Comma

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Occurrence  Berkshire and Franklin Counties - migrant (from north)
Abundance Rare; unrecorded in MA for the last 50 years or more
Flight Period Probably mid-summer to late summer
Notes "In years of big flights in northern New England, some may move southward"
Overwintering (Migrant)
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website

Green Comma - Polygonia faunus

Green Comma

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 6/14/2002
Pittsburg, NH

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Green Comma - Polygonia faunus

Green Comma

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 8/19/2002
Pittsburg, NH

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Green Comma - Polygonia faunus

Green Comma

Photo by Frank Model - 8/26/2005
Pittsburg, NH

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Green Comma - Polygonia faunus

Green Comma

Photo by Frank Model - 8/27/2007
Pittsburg, NH

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