Gray Comma

Polygonia progne

Genus Polygonia
Subfamily True Brushfoots
Family Brushfooted Butterflies
All Massachusetts Species

Gray CommaGray CommaGray Comma

Gray CommaGray CommaGray Comma

Gray CommaGray Comma

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Mainly western and northeastern Massachusetts - resident
Abundance Very uncommon to rare
Flight Period mid-April to mid-October
Notes Look at sunny spots along backroads; please report all sightings
Overwintering Adult
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 8/18/2002
Pittsburg, NH

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Erik Nielsen - 8/21/2002
Pittsburg, NH

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Sue Cloutier - 7/26/2004
Franklin County, MA

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Sue Cloutier - 7/30/2004
Franklin County, MA

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Barbara Spencer
Hampshire County, MA

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Frank Model - 8/28/2007
Pittsburg, NH

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Frank Model - 8/25/2005
Pittsburg, NH

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Gray Comma - Polygonia progne

Gray Comma

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/17/2004
Hampshire County, MA

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