Little Glassywing

Pompeius verna

Genus Pompeius
Subfamily Grass Skippers
Family Skippers
All Massachusetts Species

Little GlassywingLittle GlassywingLittle Glassywing

Little GlassywingLittle GlassywingLittle Glassywing

Little GlassywingLittle GlassywingLittle Glassywing

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide (except Islands) - resident
Abundance Uncommon
Flight Period Late June to mid-August
Notes Misidentified so often that it is hard to know its true status
Overwintering Probably Larva
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo by Mike Walker - 7/7/2002

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo by Fred Goodwin - 7/11/2002
Massachusetts Audubon Society
Ipswich River Wildlife Sanctuary

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo © Marj Rines - 7/8/2001

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo © Marj Rines - 6/28/2001
Dunback Meadow Conservation Area, Lexington

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo © Marj Rines - 7/9/2000
Northeastern University Campus, Burlington

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo © Marj Rines

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo by Frank Model - 6/29/2006

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo by Frank Model - 6/22/2007

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Little Glassywing - Pompeius verna

Little Glassywing

Photo by Frank Model - 6/21/2007

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