Striped Hairstreak

Satyrium liparops

Genus Satyrium
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Striped HairstreakStriped HairstreakStriped Hairstreak

Striped HairstreakStriped HairstreakStriped Hairstreak

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Occurrence Statewide - resident
Abundance Fairly common
Flight Period Mid-June to late August
Notes Almost always present at milkweeds and dogbanes in small numbers
Overwintering Egg
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Mark Rainey - 6/20/2015
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Bruce deGraaf - 6/30/2013
Canton, MA

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Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/2/2005

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Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Frank Model - 7/23/2006
Graves Farm, Williamsburg

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Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/9/2007

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Striped Hairstreak - Satyrium liparops

Striped Hairstreak

Photo by Howard Hoople - 6/27/2011
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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