Coral Hairstreak

Satyrium titus

Genus Satyrium
Subfamily Hairstreaks
Family Gossamer-wings
All Massachusetts Species

Coral HairstreakCoral HairstreakCoral Hairstreak

Coral HairstreakCoral Hairstreak

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Occurrence Statewide - resident
Abundance Uncommon to fairly common
Flight Period Late June to mid-August
Notes Said to be addicted to Butterfly Weed
Overwintering Egg
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

Coral Hairstreak

Photo by Mark Rainey - 7/4/2012
Horn Pond Mountain, Woburn, MA

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Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

Coral Hairstreak

Photo by Garry Kessler - 7/3/2015
Great Blue Hill, Canton, MA

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Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

Coral Hairstreak

Photo by Frank Model - 7/16/2007
Blue Hills, Milton

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Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

Coral Hairstreak

Photo by Michael Newton - 7/25/2015
Thompson's Field, Harwich, MA

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Coral Hairstreak - Satyrium titus

Coral Hairstreak

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 7/17/2005

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