Painted Lady

Vanessa cardui

Genus Vanessa
Subfamily True Brushfoots
Family Brushfooted Butterflies
All Massachusetts Species

Painted LadyPainted LadyPainted Lady

Painted LadyPainted LadyPainted Lady

Painted Lady

Click on a thumbnail image to go directly to that image.

Occurrence Statewide - migrant
Abundance Very variably uncommon to common
Flight Period Mainly Mid-April to early November
Notes Shows up every year but not usually in spring
Overwintering Migrant
More info Massachusetts Butterfly Atlas Website
More info Butterflies of Massachusetts Website

Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Tom Whelan - 2002

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Tom Whelan - 2002

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo © Marj Rines - 8/18/2001
Horn Pond, Woburn

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Eleanor Solberg - 9/15/2001

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Barbara Spencer - 9/13/2007
Northampton Community Gardens

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Frank Model - 7/28/2005
South Deerfield

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Painted Lady - Vanessa cardui

Painted Lady

Photo by Frank Model - 9/13/2005

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