Massachusetts Butterfly ClubAnnual Meetings |
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Saturday, November 13, 2010 - Annual Meeting Potluck supper - 5 pm / Meeting - 6 pm This will be a Members' Night, where YOU will be the featured speakers! Normally we have a speaker followed by a members' slide show. This fall, we are making the members' slide show the main event! That means that those of you who have photos you'd like to share with us will have an expanded amount of time to talk and share your wonderful pictures and stories. Rather than a limit of 10 slides per person, we are going to double that to 20 slides or so per person, which hopefully gives everyone a chance to share but also allows each person to be "on stage" a while longer. We will have a silent auction this meeting. We will accept donated items to be bid on in order to help us meet our (mostly publishing) expenses. We will have a designated area for these items, and folks can bid on them throughout the evening. Winning bids at the end of the night get to take the item home! Saturday, April 17, 2010 - Spring Meeting Potluck supper - 5 pm / Meeting - 6 pm Club members will have an opportunity to show up to 10 slides or digital photos that represent highlights from the field in 2009. The distinguished speaker of the evening will be Rick Cech talking about butterflying in Peru and giving an introduction to neotropical butterflies. Rick Cech bio Saturday, November 14, 2009 - Annual Meeting Potluck supper - 5 pm / Meeting - 6 pm We have a very full and exciting program planned. First off will be our potluck dinner, starting promptly at 5pm this year. Please bring your favorite dish or dessert to share. We are looking forward to some musical entertainment during dinner, with former club president Carl Kamp on classical guitar, and Martha's Vineyard butterflier Matt Pelikan playing recorder. After the potluck and music, we will be having a fundraising auction, presided over by our own Brian Cassie. This has been an entertaining part of previous annual meetings, and promises to be lively and, hopefully, helpful for the club's finances. Come ready to see and perhaps bid on some wonderful donated butterfly-related items. The keynote of the evening will be our featured speaker, Dr. Art Shapiro, professor of Evolution and Ecology at the University of California, Davis. Dr. Shapiro is one of North America's premier lepidopterists, and we are extremely fortunate to be able to have him come and speak, which he is doing with the help and collaboration of Dr. Rob Stevenson of the University of Massachusetts, Boston. Thanks, Dr. Stevenson, for arranging this opportunity for us. You can read more about Dr. Shapiro's work here: Dr. Shapiro will be speaking to us about "Old Wine, New Bottles: The California Butterfly Fauna in an Anthropic Landscape" His abstract: "The butterfly fauna of the Central Valley and urbanized coastal regions of California is now dependent on plant species and communities that were not here 200 years ago. What can we infer about where that fauna came from and how it got to be as it is?" Download Dr. Shapiro's papers:
Saturday, November 8, 2008 - Annual Meeting Potluck supper - 5:30 pm / Meeting - 6:30pm Our annual scrumptious pot-luck dinner will commence at 5:30 pm. Bring some food to share. Dinner will be followed by a brief business meeting and a presentation by Adam Porter from the Department of Plant, Soil & Insect Sciences at UMASS-Amherst. At the end of the evening, club members will have an opportunity to show up to 10 slides
or digital photos that represent highlights from the field in 2008.